Wednesday 8 January 2020

Service requester / service provider / how to select authentication

Lets see the image bellow for different use cases. click on the image to see it in full size
Steps involved in connecting two different systems  
1.Service Provider need to Create API
2.Service provider will create oauth2/Authentication  and share the credentials with the service requester
3.Service Requester need to use AUTH details to prove that  it is valid Requester To Service Provider . he will receive temporary  token
4.Service requester need to call API with temporary token
Notes : Connected App  / Auth details will be created based on the service Provider , not based on the data.

case1. data is coming from ram to suresh here suresh no need to take permission , suresh need to give permission to take , suresh will become service provider
case2. data is coming to suresh ,  here ram is not requesting , suresh is requesting , so ram need to give permission . Ram will become service provider
click on bellow link to continue with Real time Use cases 
Real Time use cases

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