Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Rest Real time Scenarios

 To be clear with process we are again dissing what is our system.
ABCD is the company which will produce AC Machines.  ABCD company has its own marketing system, it has call center, Lead management system from where the Agents will call to different leads and make them to buy the products. ABCD has another application Account management which will maintain the customer Information, it will be used to maintain the billing and contract information.  Now ABCD has one more Application called Service management. This service management will be used by AC service center Agents to arrange a technician for repairs.  

Business Requirement1: 
If the Lead is converted into Account, then lead management system need to send the Account Information to Account management system.
Business requirement2:  
If billing was done in Account management system for the leads received from lead management system then, Account management system need to update the account in lead management system with billing information.  
Business Requirement3:  
When customer calls to the service center, the service center person need to have the possibility to check if the product is under warranty or not .  The Agent needs to see the warranty start date and end date details from Account management system. 

*****Lets look into Business Requirement 1*****
The development need to be happen from both lead management system and Account management System.  
Business Requirement1(Lead management):  If the Lead is converted into Account, then lead management system need to send the Account Information to Account management system.

  We received the business requirement like above. Now the business Annalist and Developer team will discuss like bellow.
   1.      Is this is same for all countries are only for some country customers?

2.     Do we need to send the only converted account details or all accounts those are created in lead management?

3.     What are details we need to send? I mean what are the fields?

4.     What about the authentication?

Answers will be like bellow from business Analyst
1.      Yes, this feature same for all country customers
2.     No, it's not just to converted leads, Its for all accounts created in Lead management system . Because sometimes, the agent have possibility to create direct customer.
3.     We will have an excel that was attached which has the field details to send.
4.     We have asked the Account management system they will share the credential/ end point urls to us soon.

This discussion will be done from lead management system.  The same requirement will be given to Account management system, Since they need to provide the service.  And same requirement will be given to the Account management system in different way .
Business Requirement1(Account management): 
If the Lead is converted into Account, then lead management system need to send the Account Information to Account management system. 
The above requirement will be like bellow for the Account management system.
We need to create an API which will allow other systems, to create account in our data base.

In this case Account management will be the service provider. Lead management will become the Service Requester.  Connected app or authentication details need to be created by Account management and to provide to Lead management system. We have inbound and out bound calls .
Since Account management system allowing to use its services it will become inbound call for account management system .  Since lead management system requesting other system, it will become outbound call for lead management system. 
Now the discussion will be happen in between developer and Business annalists as like previous .
Development steps involved from Account management side :
1.      Create a rest web service class

2.     Create Connected app and give the details to lead management system.    

Creating rest web services

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