
I assume that you all are new to IT field. So I would like to start the training from the basics . Before we learn any thing we need to know what is the importance the skill in the market. Carpenter knows his work well, his lively hood depends on his skills and as long as the demand that he will have . Same way before we start learning skills we need to be clear how that skill  is going to useful to others, if your skill is not use full then you will struggle to live .  If you have skill that the market need then the market will see you with high importance. Sales force is one of the best technology that can be useful to us for getting job and keeping it for a long period. Those who don't know  what is the use of IT in real world and IT evaluation please start with the following post

  1. Know Importance of IT in Real world
  2. Know Importance of sales force in IT world
  3. Start Learning with Project

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